IT'S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!! DISTANT WORLDS IS COMING TO LONDON NEXT YEAR!!! FUCK YES!! I'm soo going!! I could cry, I'm that happy right now ;______; I was at the concert in Stockholm on 12th of June this year, and it was soo.. damn it was amazing, and it was in the middle of my exam periode, which wasn't so good, 'cause I couldn't focus at all after that concert, I could only think about it xDD I think that's why I did soo poorly, but that doesn't matter, Final Fantasy is more important to me than life itself xDD
I know I haven't updated in like, a month xDD or wait, it's almost two isn't it o.o xDDD anyways, my life isn't really that exciting, and that is why xD
the most exciting things is, of course the news about the Distant worlds concert, but also the fact, that my FF collection almost is complete, only missing a few games, yaaaiizz ^&^v also, it's my birthday on friday xDD haha xDD woop woop xDD
but omg, the only thing I can think about right now.. is that concert *____* oh wait, also the fact that in the summer vacation next year, I'm going to Japan for 2 weeks xDD I know it sounds crazy saying this, but it almost slipped my mind, because I'm that excited for that freaking concert damnit!! xDDD
but now I'm gonna go, 'cause work calls once again xDD I work waayy too much compared to my contract, but screw that.. MONEEEYY!! xDDD
over and out!!! hope you too is as happy as me xDDD haha xDDD
mandag den 25. oktober 2010
onsdag den 1. september 2010
school started! ^&^v
yesterday my Japanese class started again! ^&^v <3>
I was so excited about it, 'cause I really missed it and the lovely people!
I must admit that it was a really good start, there was no awkwardness in seeing these people again, and they all just talked to me, like I had been in the class last year also, even though I only was there for like 4 months or so :3
anyways, the class I'm attending is now Japanese B-level practiced. uhhhh xDDD my teacher was like, if you ever meet one of those from the beginner class, make them bow for you xDDDD
In our breaks in there, me and Eva-san totally raped our teacher's computer with Japanese child songs, AND kokkiman xDDDDDD and for the rest of the evening me and signe-san kept singing, Mary-san no Hitsuji xDDDDDDD come on, it's a good song xDDD
we also played a hiragana and katakana game to see if we hopefully hadn't forgotten them all xDDD fortunately, we hadn't XDD though I must admit that when you haven't practiced almost all summer, some of the katakana was a bit fuzzy xDDD
we also got our first assingment which we have to finished till next class so we can write it in on the computer and turn it in to the school, and there is like only 7 assingments left this year, woop woop xDDD
on our way home, me and signe-san.. well we got a bit too happy I don't now, but we were clearly hyperactive, and we invented this mutant sheep which will come and eat other sheeps, and also humans sometimes xDD it's like 2 feet tall and ways a 1000 pounds XDDDDDD
I'm already really looking forward to next Japanese class, I can't wait for it to be wednesday :3
oh btw, work is awesome!! I work alot, and I get alot of money of course XDD soo I've got the money to buy all the lovely games that I'm craving to get xDDD actually the only one I'm missing right now is Persona 4 xDDD
currently I'm playing:
FF VIII (again xDD) I'm on disc 4 xDD
Dissidia: Final Fantasy.I'm in chapter 3 of the shade impulses.
Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- I actually just finished it, but then started a new game xDD
Final Fantasy I. I could actually just go and kick the crap out of the last boss, BUT I want to do the four cave thingys also, 'cause I want to complete, the ENTIRE game and not just some off it xDD
games I've yet to play:
Persona 3 (Bought, waiting)
Suikoden V (Bought, waiting)
Final Fantasy II (I have it XD I will start once I finsish FF I )
Final fantasy tactics (Bought waiting)
and ALOT of others, which I haven't bought yet, 'cause they are not out yet, OR I don't have the console yet >.<
and well, that's pretty much it for now xDDD
I was so excited about it, 'cause I really missed it and the lovely people!
I must admit that it was a really good start, there was no awkwardness in seeing these people again, and they all just talked to me, like I had been in the class last year also, even though I only was there for like 4 months or so :3
anyways, the class I'm attending is now Japanese B-level practiced. uhhhh xDDD my teacher was like, if you ever meet one of those from the beginner class, make them bow for you xDDDD
In our breaks in there, me and Eva-san totally raped our teacher's computer with Japanese child songs, AND kokkiman xDDDDDD and for the rest of the evening me and signe-san kept singing, Mary-san no Hitsuji xDDDDDDD come on, it's a good song xDDD
we also played a hiragana and katakana game to see if we hopefully hadn't forgotten them all xDDD fortunately, we hadn't XDD though I must admit that when you haven't practiced almost all summer, some of the katakana was a bit fuzzy xDDD
we also got our first assingment which we have to finished till next class so we can write it in on the computer and turn it in to the school, and there is like only 7 assingments left this year, woop woop xDDD
on our way home, me and signe-san.. well we got a bit too happy I don't now, but we were clearly hyperactive, and we invented this mutant sheep which will come and eat other sheeps, and also humans sometimes xDD it's like 2 feet tall and ways a 1000 pounds XDDDDDD
I'm already really looking forward to next Japanese class, I can't wait for it to be wednesday :3
oh btw, work is awesome!! I work alot, and I get alot of money of course XDD soo I've got the money to buy all the lovely games that I'm craving to get xDDD actually the only one I'm missing right now is Persona 4 xDDD
currently I'm playing:
FF VIII (again xDD) I'm on disc 4 xDD
Dissidia: Final Fantasy.I'm in chapter 3 of the shade impulses.
Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- I actually just finished it, but then started a new game xDD
Final Fantasy I. I could actually just go and kick the crap out of the last boss, BUT I want to do the four cave thingys also, 'cause I want to complete, the ENTIRE game and not just some off it xDD
games I've yet to play:
Persona 3 (Bought, waiting)
Suikoden V (Bought, waiting)
Final Fantasy II (I have it XD I will start once I finsish FF I )
Final fantasy tactics (Bought waiting)
and ALOT of others, which I haven't bought yet, 'cause they are not out yet, OR I don't have the console yet >.<
and well, that's pretty much it for now xDDD
torsdag den 12. august 2010
I'm sitting here wondering about what people think of me, I reached this conclusion;
Bitchy, hateable, annoying, full of shit and such, and you know what? I DON'T CARE!! I'm me, not some fake, everybody-loves-me human. I say the things I wanna say and do things the way I want to do them.
and with that said I just got something funny on my mind, I was at this convention this weekend, and well, I saw my ex, many times, and whenever he looked at me, it was like, he was starring and was turning his head after me, I couldn't help but smile xDDDD
I song I listen to all the time at the moment;
Heartsdales - candypop feat. SOUL'd OUT
seriously it's soo catchy and plays on repeat on my computer the most of the time I listen to music xDDD
and yeah I got nothing more, just wanted to update something, 'cause I suck at this xDDD
Bitchy, hateable, annoying, full of shit and such, and you know what? I DON'T CARE!! I'm me, not some fake, everybody-loves-me human. I say the things I wanna say and do things the way I want to do them.
and with that said I just got something funny on my mind, I was at this convention this weekend, and well, I saw my ex, many times, and whenever he looked at me, it was like, he was starring and was turning his head after me, I couldn't help but smile xDDDD
I song I listen to all the time at the moment;
Heartsdales - candypop feat. SOUL'd OUT
seriously it's soo catchy and plays on repeat on my computer the most of the time I listen to music xDDD
and yeah I got nothing more, just wanted to update something, 'cause I suck at this xDDD
onsdag den 28. juli 2010
Final Fantasy freak!
yup, that's what I am and have been for a very long time!! I started being fascinated by Final Fanatasy series when I was about 8 or 9 years old ^^ since then the love for it has only grown deeper and deeper <3> and since I'm pretty bored I decieded to make this "love list" if you can call it that, with my fav. of all kinds of things xDD so lets just start ^&^
first of
fav. game overall:
well, I have two. FF IX and FF VIII, I can't really chose between those two ^&^

Fav. game story wise :
ok, this is a tough one, hmm the story I felt the saddest and actually cried a lot was FF IX, so I'm gonna go with that ^&^
Fav. game character wise :
ok a lot of final fantasy characters, actually most of them are kick ass! but if it has to be all of the characters then, hmm, I think it must be FF VIII, because they are not emo with a lousy reason of something like that, to me they are most, like real people, if you look at all of them ^&^ and there really isn't any boring ones where you just sit, omg get it over with ^&^
Fav. character FF V : ('cause I can't really remember that many from ealier games, sorry ;___; )
I know he is like the main character but Bartz is just soo YES! XD come on, who doesn't love Bartz and his kind of playful self? xD

Fav. Character FF VI :
No doubt it's Kefka!!!! he's such an awesome villian xDD without him I think FF VI would have been too.. you know serious and all that, don't know why, but yeah, and humor is such a big part of the FF universe, so it has to be there!! >.< and I mean come on, who can't love and laugh at his insanity? xD

Fav. character FF VII :
III don't know actually xDD there's not a lot of characters I really like in this game o.o but I will say Yuffie, 'cause yeah, I like her the most xDD

Fav. Character FF VIII :
this.. is really tough o.o so I will say it's someone who no one expects it to be.... FUJIN!! seriously, her one word, caps lock sentences just kill me XDD I love her! ^&^

Fav. Character FF IX :
it's a chracter who in the Japanese version is a woman and for some reason on the english version it's a guy! o.o who made that mistake!? XDD if you still hasn't guesseed who it is, it's Kuja! damn I love him.. her.. whatever xD I feel so bad for him/her all the time and I just wanna hug him/her ;____; and I'm glad that Zidane still cares about him/her even though he/she is like, If I'm gonna die, you all go with me! very nice for it not to be cliché on that part! ^&^

Fav. character FF X :
ok.. I have no idea xD I don't really hate anyone or love anyone, again I will say someone totally unexpected xDD she's not in the game very much, but I will say Tidus' mum xDDDD don't ask why xDD
I can't really find a picture of his mum, which is a shame, 'cause she's really pretty ^&^
I wont make it longer than this, 'cause I don't really like the newer games that much, and hasn't finished anyone of them, fail x.x I wil though I promise!! and Lightning is hot yes xD
just one last one
Fav. Dissidia Final Fantasy voice! :
KUJA!!! damn that voice suits him so well *____* I actually screamed with joy when I first heard it xDD so yeah, really good pick for him! ^&^v
the end for now, I think I'll make a music one later, perhaps, don't know, but know I'm gonna go play some final fantasy!! xDD
Rain is over and out!~
first of
fav. game overall:
well, I have two. FF IX and FF VIII, I can't really chose between those two ^&^

Fav. game story wise :
ok, this is a tough one, hmm the story I felt the saddest and actually cried a lot was FF IX, so I'm gonna go with that ^&^
Fav. game character wise :
ok a lot of final fantasy characters, actually most of them are kick ass! but if it has to be all of the characters then, hmm, I think it must be FF VIII, because they are not emo with a lousy reason of something like that, to me they are most, like real people, if you look at all of them ^&^ and there really isn't any boring ones where you just sit, omg get it over with ^&^
Fav. character FF V : ('cause I can't really remember that many from ealier games, sorry ;___; )
I know he is like the main character but Bartz is just soo YES! XD come on, who doesn't love Bartz and his kind of playful self? xD

Fav. Character FF VI :
No doubt it's Kefka!!!! he's such an awesome villian xDD without him I think FF VI would have been too.. you know serious and all that, don't know why, but yeah, and humor is such a big part of the FF universe, so it has to be there!! >.< and I mean come on, who can't love and laugh at his insanity? xD

Fav. character FF VII :
III don't know actually xDD there's not a lot of characters I really like in this game o.o but I will say Yuffie, 'cause yeah, I like her the most xDD

Fav. Character FF VIII :
this.. is really tough o.o so I will say it's someone who no one expects it to be.... FUJIN!! seriously, her one word, caps lock sentences just kill me XDD I love her! ^&^

Fav. Character FF IX :
it's a chracter who in the Japanese version is a woman and for some reason on the english version it's a guy! o.o who made that mistake!? XDD if you still hasn't guesseed who it is, it's Kuja! damn I love him.. her.. whatever xD I feel so bad for him/her all the time and I just wanna hug him/her ;____; and I'm glad that Zidane still cares about him/her even though he/she is like, If I'm gonna die, you all go with me! very nice for it not to be cliché on that part! ^&^

Fav. character FF X :
ok.. I have no idea xD I don't really hate anyone or love anyone, again I will say someone totally unexpected xDD she's not in the game very much, but I will say Tidus' mum xDDDD don't ask why xDD
I can't really find a picture of his mum, which is a shame, 'cause she's really pretty ^&^
I wont make it longer than this, 'cause I don't really like the newer games that much, and hasn't finished anyone of them, fail x.x I wil though I promise!! and Lightning is hot yes xD
just one last one
Fav. Dissidia Final Fantasy voice! :
KUJA!!! damn that voice suits him so well *____* I actually screamed with joy when I first heard it xDD so yeah, really good pick for him! ^&^v
the end for now, I think I'll make a music one later, perhaps, don't know, but know I'm gonna go play some final fantasy!! xDD
Rain is over and out!~
onsdag den 21. juli 2010
would you please stop copying me, idiot!?
and just so you know, no I fucking don't like you, OK!? I think you are annoying as hell and the biggest loser on the entire planet! fuck off!
would you please stop copying me, idiot!?
and just so you know, no I fucking don't like you, OK!? I think you are annoying as hell and the biggest loser on the entire planet! fuck off!
mandag den 5. juli 2010
it's amazing how quickly you can be forgotten and not really be IT anymore.. but that's the destiny of me xDD seriously, everytime I find someone who I just have an amazing time with, then I show them something, a new band, or kind of fashion or something like that, they become totally obsessed with it and soon I'm nearly forgotten, wtf thanks dudes XD it has happened to me soo many times now XD I should learn to just keep my mouth shut xDD
that is why, I, myself, have become my own best friend XDD 'cause me, I can always count on, oh hell yeah, I aint going nowhere ^&^ besides when I'm going to Japan, it's gonna be fun, being away half a year, and then come back and really have no friends at all xDD 'cause I know that's how it's gonna be, people will forget me and stop caring, but it wont affect me anymore, I've learned to deal with it, just so you know XDD
and now I'm gonna stop 'cause, yeah, HAHAHA XDD
by the way, people may not think this is how it is, but let's face reality, we all know it is ^^
but I will keep smiling, 'cause my dreams are the most important things I have, and no one can take them away from me!!
oh and just because I'm not that close with people, I can still talk to them, it's like me saying, you all suck go away, no, I'm just being realistic and some people are also not invovled in this, even though it may point that way, just so you guys know it's not everyone I've showed something new that this has happened with ^&^ oh wait, it's only one person this does not concern, oh what the hell xDDD
Rain is out with a big smile~ ^&^
that is why, I, myself, have become my own best friend XDD 'cause me, I can always count on, oh hell yeah, I aint going nowhere ^&^ besides when I'm going to Japan, it's gonna be fun, being away half a year, and then come back and really have no friends at all xDD 'cause I know that's how it's gonna be, people will forget me and stop caring, but it wont affect me anymore, I've learned to deal with it, just so you know XDD
and now I'm gonna stop 'cause, yeah, HAHAHA XDD
by the way, people may not think this is how it is, but let's face reality, we all know it is ^^
but I will keep smiling, 'cause my dreams are the most important things I have, and no one can take them away from me!!
oh and just because I'm not that close with people, I can still talk to them, it's like me saying, you all suck go away, no, I'm just being realistic and some people are also not invovled in this, even though it may point that way, just so you guys know it's not everyone I've showed something new that this has happened with ^&^ oh wait, it's only one person this does not concern, oh what the hell xDDD
Rain is out with a big smile~ ^&^
tirsdag den 22. juni 2010
my hectic week has started!! yaaaaaiiizz xDD
Today I was at the school getting my question arc for my last final!! which is only in some hours!!! woop woop!! then I'll be a graduate!!! O.O so amazing, I never thought, that someone with as a retarded mind as me could actually gradute and go on out in the big world XDD but I did it!! XDD
so yeah tomorrow, I will go to my final exam, which english xDD piece of cake XDD I'm not saying that I will get a good grade or anything, I just find english very easy, without even trying to make it good I can get the third best grade in but written and spoken english, so yeah xDD well after that half an hour is finished, I can get my cap on!! and walk around all almighty like xDD
then in the evening, our graduate pictures will be taken and the graduation party will take place! :3 sooo looking forward to it ^&^
Thursday I will go out to celebrate the people who graduated from my Japanese class, by eating at the lovely japanese resturant Wagamama <3 the only bad thing is.. you know the world cup in soccer is going on right? well, because I have to go in there and eat, I can't watch the Denmark - Japan match ;_________; I'm so sad about that ;______________________________________________________;
then friday, we will get our graduation diplomas and drive around in a wagon for 12 hours, being drunk, YOSSHA!!! XDDD
not much more to say, other than tomorrow, will be such a good day, I can't even imagine it myself ^&^ *BIG SMILE*
Rain will now prepare to travel all around the world 8D
Today I was at the school getting my question arc for my last final!! which is only in some hours!!! woop woop!! then I'll be a graduate!!! O.O so amazing, I never thought, that someone with as a retarded mind as me could actually gradute and go on out in the big world XDD but I did it!! XDD
so yeah tomorrow, I will go to my final exam, which english xDD piece of cake XDD I'm not saying that I will get a good grade or anything, I just find english very easy, without even trying to make it good I can get the third best grade in but written and spoken english, so yeah xDD well after that half an hour is finished, I can get my cap on!! and walk around all almighty like xDD
then in the evening, our graduate pictures will be taken and the graduation party will take place! :3 sooo looking forward to it ^&^
Thursday I will go out to celebrate the people who graduated from my Japanese class, by eating at the lovely japanese resturant Wagamama <3 the only bad thing is.. you know the world cup in soccer is going on right? well, because I have to go in there and eat, I can't watch the Denmark - Japan match ;_________; I'm so sad about that ;______________________________________________________;
then friday, we will get our graduation diplomas and drive around in a wagon for 12 hours, being drunk, YOSSHA!!! XDDD
not much more to say, other than tomorrow, will be such a good day, I can't even imagine it myself ^&^ *BIG SMILE*
Rain will now prepare to travel all around the world 8D
onsdag den 9. juni 2010
bored xDDD
so yeah, I've always had this big passion for music, and listened to it alot, BUT right now it's totally topping xDD I'm listening to it more than is healthy I think xD and I've also started listening to a lot of new bands, soo yeah, this is a little blog thingy about my new and old pleasures of music! ^&^

they're a pretty new band, but they have surely sweeped of my feet!! they are really amazing! their music is soo catchy, and you just want to hear the songs over and over again!! <3<3 and their random crazyness is perfect iceing on the top <3 Haru's vocals are just wonderful and captivating <3
Fav. song: can't really pick anyone XDD but the three I listen to the most is: WONDERxWONDER, 絶頂highスピーカー and ハルシオンキャンディ ^&^

also pretty new, started in 2008 ^&^ their music is pretty steady and has some awesome riffs so you can easily destinquish the songs from each other <3 also very catchy and leaves you longing for more! <3
Fav. song: サヨナラ、バイバイ。
アリス九號. (Iknow it's not their name anymore, but Alice Nine is just plain boring XD )

WOW is my only comment xDD <3<3 I don't know why my obsession with this lovely band didn't start much earlier! seriously! fail from my side XDD anyways they're really amazing <3<3 and Shou-san's vocals are soo original if you can say that, he has this deep but still pretty sounding voice, he often sings kind of edgy, so when you first hear the note it sounds off-key, BUT you find out it's actually not, and I just love it soo much <3<3
Fav. song: ARMOR RING <3<3<3<3<3<3 such an amazing song!!! really!!! I love all their songs, but ARMOR RING just have that little bit extra pow ^&^ <3<3<3
so yeah, that's my obsessions at the moment <3<3<3<3 I love it, and I hope that it will keep on going for a very long time xDDD <3<3<3
Rain is over and out~

they're a pretty new band, but they have surely sweeped of my feet!! they are really amazing! their music is soo catchy, and you just want to hear the songs over and over again!! <3<3 and their random crazyness is perfect iceing on the top <3 Haru's vocals are just wonderful and captivating <3
Fav. song: can't really pick anyone XDD but the three I listen to the most is: WONDERxWONDER, 絶頂highスピーカー and ハルシオンキャンディ ^&^

also pretty new, started in 2008 ^&^ their music is pretty steady and has some awesome riffs so you can easily destinquish the songs from each other <3 also very catchy and leaves you longing for more! <3
Fav. song: サヨナラ、バイバイ。
アリス九號. (Iknow it's not their name anymore, but Alice Nine is just plain boring XD )

WOW is my only comment xDD <3<3 I don't know why my obsession with this lovely band didn't start much earlier! seriously! fail from my side XDD anyways they're really amazing <3<3 and Shou-san's vocals are soo original if you can say that, he has this deep but still pretty sounding voice, he often sings kind of edgy, so when you first hear the note it sounds off-key, BUT you find out it's actually not, and I just love it soo much <3<3
Fav. song: ARMOR RING <3<3<3<3<3<3 such an amazing song!!! really!!! I love all their songs, but ARMOR RING just have that little bit extra pow ^&^ <3<3<3
so yeah, that's my obsessions at the moment <3<3<3<3 I love it, and I hope that it will keep on going for a very long time xDDD <3<3<3
Rain is over and out~
alice nine random toon factory dog in the P
søndag den 6. juni 2010
I feel soo alone, and I'm sad all the time, even though I say I'm soo happy, well I may be that on the outside, but on the inside.. I'm just all over the place, feeling lost, the people I love and really try to give something to all the time, well they barely seem to like me.. they may write hearts and stuff like that, but it seems soo fake.. try saying I love you, or I need you, or I miss you, or something like that, FIRST! don't just say it because I said it.. but no one ever says it to me.. and I see how they have fun with everyone else, and always mentions them.. but... I know I'm just whining and complaining, but sometimes it would be nice to just get a little bit of acknowledgement ^^
but yeah, I promise I will always smile <3 ~
but yeah, I promise I will always smile <3 ~
lørdag den 22. maj 2010

ok, so yesterday.. was my last day of "college" or whatever it's called XDD it was suppose to be fun, and we were suppose to be retarded, but my class, well let's just say I was the only one who had dressed up in funny clothes >.> and they were all sooo uptight and was like, I don't wanna run around and make a fool of myself.. OH SHUT UP FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!! why do you have to be sooo fucking grown up? you guys just turned either 18 or 19... if you already wanna act like adults then I'm glad I'm never going to speak to you guys again!! how boring can it get x.x seriously, I NEVER wanna be like that, if I end up like that, I will kill myself, and I mean it x.x
anyways after that we went down to this park where all the graduation classes were, and then we just drank the big bucket of liqour we had bought in Netto, which was rather fun xDD BUT the sun was in my face, and well I had no sun protection thingy on, soo my face is now all red and burning, greaaaaatttt xDD and because I also got sun on my arms, they are itching like hell, god damnit!! xDDD
when it was a little past 5pm we came to the resturant where we were suppose to eat before going to the party at the school, and the was fuuuuun xDD and the food was delicious as always <3
then at 7pm the party started at the school, BUT as always you are never there from the beginning, we were at someone from my classes place, and we sat drinking, and the suddenly, Sissi, Tanja, Sine and me realized that everyone had moved table and we were sitting all alone, why thank you xDD but we just started playing a drinking game then, and daaaamnn it was hella hilarious XDD at 9pm us four decided to go to the party at the school, so we did xDD and we danced for like a looooong time and just had fun, until it got boring and we went down into town to see if there was more going on there... but there wasn't xDD soo we went home, after getting something to eat.
on the way home, this song came on the radio .. and Sine suddenly decided to put all other bodyparts into the chorus xDD daammnn, we laughed sooo hard xDDDD
today I'm going to celebrate my stepgrandmother's birthday party, by grilling at their place, yaaaiii! ^&^
and tomorrow Trine will come and stay till monday <3<3 sooo looking forward to it! ^&^
Remember to spread joy to those around you!
Rain is over and out~

fredag den 14. maj 2010
muhahahaha xDD
ok, it's been a long time since I last wrote something in here, faaaiiill xDD but yeah xDD
today I'm going to hand over my finished exam project at the school ^^ yaaaii xDDD but that also means that the examinations will begin very soon x.x daaamnnn, no god please save me!! can I please just have a black out that entire period of time? plleeaaassee xDD I don't wanna be present xDD
anyways, some things has happened.. like.. I've was at svs-con last weekend!! :3 it was very very very nice, or let's do it the Saga-chan way, bery bery nice... NIce xDD <3>
OH YEAH, speaking of Saga-san, TODAY.. yes today xD my alice nine. dvd will come home to mama! xDD haha xDD but I can't watch before after work sunday ;_____; daammnn xD because tommorow, yes tomorrow biatch, I'm going on BAKKEN!!! WOOOO!~ I love amusement parks! <3> even though, you may not think this, but I'm actually a chicken at first when it comes to rollercoasters and such xD BUT once people have forced me to go on, I loooove it! and usually wanna go again xDD haha xD
IIIIII... don't know what else to say, I'm blank, and really really hyper, 'cause today I'm going on a little picnic with the people who I'm also going to Bakken with tomorrow ^&^ <3>
listen people.. Remember always to be super random and manly!! XD except for the men, please be more girly xDD <3>
Rain is over and ooouuuuuttt!!!~
today I'm going to hand over my finished exam project at the school ^^ yaaaii xDDD but that also means that the examinations will begin very soon x.x daaamnnn, no god please save me!! can I please just have a black out that entire period of time? plleeaaassee xDD I don't wanna be present xDD
anyways, some things has happened.. like.. I've was at svs-con last weekend!! :3 it was very very very nice, or let's do it the Saga-chan way, bery bery nice... NIce xDD <3>
OH YEAH, speaking of Saga-san, TODAY.. yes today xD my alice nine. dvd will come home to mama! xDD haha xDD but I can't watch before after work sunday ;_____; daammnn xD because tommorow, yes tomorrow biatch, I'm going on BAKKEN!!! WOOOO!~ I love amusement parks! <3> even though, you may not think this, but I'm actually a chicken at first when it comes to rollercoasters and such xD BUT once people have forced me to go on, I loooove it! and usually wanna go again xDD haha xD
IIIIII... don't know what else to say, I'm blank, and really really hyper, 'cause today I'm going on a little picnic with the people who I'm also going to Bakken with tomorrow ^&^ <3>
listen people.. Remember always to be super random and manly!! XD except for the men, please be more girly xDD <3>
Rain is over and ooouuuuuttt!!!~
mandag den 19. april 2010
well, today I was suppose to write/answer questions for my exam project, BUT my partner has not sent me the questions yet >.> sooo I've been doning other stuff xD like watching J-dorama <3<3>
at first I didn't know what to watch, 'cause yes, I'm a little bit picky when it comes to watching doramas and animes and such ^^; soo I couldn't really find one, soo I started watchig Proposal Daisakusen once again xD but after two episodes I was like, NO I need to watch someting new xD soo I searched around a bit on the homepage J-dorama home. AND I found this series called My Girl from 2009, I read the description and was like, ok this one, I need to try watching! I've only watched two episodes sooo far, BUT I LOVE!!! seriously, in those two episodes I've cried like like a waterfall xDD <3<3<3> it's really really good! I recommend evryone to watch it xD ^&^
if someone has a good idea on watch I should watch afterwards, please write a comment xD if you want some rerencens I will write the J-doramas I've seen now, please help me xD
Love Revolution (my first J-dorama o.o IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!) <3>
Mukodono 2003 <3>
Sore wa totsuzen arashi no you ni (one of my favs) <3<3<3>
Kurosagi <3>
Nobuta wo Produce (My fav.! ^&^ ) <3<3<3<3>
My boss, My Hero <3>
Zettai Kareshi <3>
Hana kimi <3>
Boku dake no madonna (also one of my favs) <3<3<3<3<3>
Strawberry on the shortcake <3>
Hotman <3<3<3<3<3>
Hotman 2 <3<3>
Proposal Daisakusen <3<3>
Stand up!!! <3<3>
Beautiful life <3<3<3<3<3>
wonderful life <3>
Great teacher Onizuka <3<3<3<3>
Orange Days <3<3<3>
so yeah, please help xD oh and I'm mostly about drama, not so much comedy and action and stuff like that, just drama xD J-dorama you know xD it lies in the name xDD haha xD
but now I will go back to watching My Girl <3<3>
マタね!!! (because my computers Japanese writing skills suck big time! xD )
Rain is over and out~
at first I didn't know what to watch, 'cause yes, I'm a little bit picky when it comes to watching doramas and animes and such ^^; soo I couldn't really find one, soo I started watchig Proposal Daisakusen once again xD but after two episodes I was like, NO I need to watch someting new xD soo I searched around a bit on the homepage J-dorama home. AND I found this series called My Girl from 2009, I read the description and was like, ok this one, I need to try watching! I've only watched two episodes sooo far, BUT I LOVE!!! seriously, in those two episodes I've cried like like a waterfall xDD <3<3<3> it's really really good! I recommend evryone to watch it xD ^&^
if someone has a good idea on watch I should watch afterwards, please write a comment xD if you want some rerencens I will write the J-doramas I've seen now, please help me xD
Love Revolution (my first J-dorama o.o IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!) <3>
Mukodono 2003 <3>
Sore wa totsuzen arashi no you ni (one of my favs) <3<3<3>
Kurosagi <3>
Nobuta wo Produce (My fav.! ^&^ ) <3<3<3<3>
My boss, My Hero <3>
Zettai Kareshi <3>
Hana kimi <3>
Boku dake no madonna (also one of my favs) <3<3<3<3<3>
Strawberry on the shortcake <3>
Hotman <3<3<3<3<3>
Hotman 2 <3<3>
Proposal Daisakusen <3<3>
Stand up!!! <3<3>
Beautiful life <3<3<3<3<3>
wonderful life <3>
Great teacher Onizuka <3<3<3<3>
Orange Days <3<3<3>
so yeah, please help xD oh and I'm mostly about drama, not so much comedy and action and stuff like that, just drama xD J-dorama you know xD it lies in the name xDD haha xD
but now I will go back to watching My Girl <3<3>
マタね!!! (because my computers Japanese writing skills suck big time! xD )
Rain is over and out~
søndag den 11. april 2010
Wonderful wonder LM.C!
I know it's a bit late x.x BUT here goes nothing ^^
So yeah, the 6th of April, I was at the LM.C concert in Sweden at Fryhuset-klubben. It was really really really amazing and fantastic, I can’t describe it with words at all. It was much more awesome than the LM.C concert last year.. Maya was soo lovely, his English has gotten quite good, and easy to understand, but he is having a hard time making a sentences, but it was really cute :3
His Swedish however, has gotten really really good! There was like only one sentence we didn’t understand o.o it’s was soo cute! :3 Aiji however, he is still lacking some skill xD BUT his English was actually understandable xD amazing xD
Maya talked A LOT! Seriously, there was a billion MCs soo lovely :3 when he introduced the band before the encore we all died from Mayas stupidity xD seriously, he was all like “Keyboard…” *points at keyboard* “YAMAHA!” xDD <3 and again “Keyboard..” *points at keyboard* “Yamaha..” XDD Jun was dying xD <3 and then again he was like “drums…” *points at drums* “Yamaha..” xDD <3<3 and then he went to the bassist and he died when he found out that the bass also was a Yamaha xD he hadn’t noticed that before xD so of course, the bassist was also Yamaha xD he then was like, we are LM.C and the fans was all like. What about Aiji xD he then went over to Aiji and said “guitar… you know this guy?” *points at guitar* “Ibitsu..” and Aiji died, he thought he was going to be introduced probably I think xD
But the band for this tour is/was
Keyboard: Jun
Drums: Yuya
Bass: Ken chan
Guitar: Aiji of course xD
Vocal: Maya, duuh xD
Para para dancer/performer/whatever he is: Denki-man!! <3<3<3<3 (OF COURSE!! ) xD
They were just lovely together <3<3
Before I will write the setlist, I will write some of the cute and fail stuff they did <3
Aiji was failing at opening a Red bull, and it sprayed all over the stage floor xD well not all over, but you know xD
During one of the songs, Denki-man grabbed Maya’s ass and Maya was trying not to laugh too hard while singing <3
Well the Yamaha moments <3 xD
Whenever Maya talked actually <3<3
Before they played OH MY JULIET. Maya just stood there saying “are you Juliet? .. are you Juliet?” and everyone just went crazy, it was soo, aww (^^)/
Just the entire concert all in all <3<3<3
OK, so now for the setlist!! It’s not in the right order, ‘cause I seriously can’t remember it, I don’t know if I’ve got all the songs but yeah, I’ve tried!! xD so here we go ^&^
Space wannabiez
Bell the CAT
Mosaique City
Edo Funk
It’s a wonderful wonder world
Chemical king-twoon
And all of the MCs XDD
as said I don't know if all the songs are there, but yeah xD
Rain is over and out ^&^
So yeah, the 6th of April, I was at the LM.C concert in Sweden at Fryhuset-klubben. It was really really really amazing and fantastic, I can’t describe it with words at all. It was much more awesome than the LM.C concert last year.. Maya was soo lovely, his English has gotten quite good, and easy to understand, but he is having a hard time making a sentences, but it was really cute :3
His Swedish however, has gotten really really good! There was like only one sentence we didn’t understand o.o it’s was soo cute! :3 Aiji however, he is still lacking some skill xD BUT his English was actually understandable xD amazing xD
Maya talked A LOT! Seriously, there was a billion MCs soo lovely :3 when he introduced the band before the encore we all died from Mayas stupidity xD seriously, he was all like “Keyboard…” *points at keyboard* “YAMAHA!” xDD <3 and again “Keyboard..” *points at keyboard* “Yamaha..” XDD Jun was dying xD <3 and then again he was like “drums…” *points at drums* “Yamaha..” xDD <3<3 and then he went to the bassist and he died when he found out that the bass also was a Yamaha xD he hadn’t noticed that before xD so of course, the bassist was also Yamaha xD he then was like, we are LM.C and the fans was all like. What about Aiji xD he then went over to Aiji and said “guitar… you know this guy?” *points at guitar* “Ibitsu..” and Aiji died, he thought he was going to be introduced probably I think xD
But the band for this tour is/was
Keyboard: Jun
Drums: Yuya
Bass: Ken chan
Guitar: Aiji of course xD
Vocal: Maya, duuh xD
Para para dancer/performer/whatever he is: Denki-man!! <3<3<3<3 (OF COURSE!! ) xD
They were just lovely together <3<3
Before I will write the setlist, I will write some of the cute and fail stuff they did <3
Aiji was failing at opening a Red bull, and it sprayed all over the stage floor xD well not all over, but you know xD
During one of the songs, Denki-man grabbed Maya’s ass and Maya was trying not to laugh too hard while singing <3
Well the Yamaha moments <3 xD
Whenever Maya talked actually <3<3
Before they played OH MY JULIET. Maya just stood there saying “are you Juliet? .. are you Juliet?” and everyone just went crazy, it was soo, aww (^^)/
Just the entire concert all in all <3<3<3
OK, so now for the setlist!! It’s not in the right order, ‘cause I seriously can’t remember it, I don’t know if I’ve got all the songs but yeah, I’ve tried!! xD so here we go ^&^
Space wannabiez
Bell the CAT
Mosaique City
Edo Funk
It’s a wonderful wonder world
Chemical king-twoon
And all of the MCs XDD
as said I don't know if all the songs are there, but yeah xD
Rain is over and out ^&^
fredag den 2. april 2010
my brain is tired!!!
MY BRAIN IS FREAKING TIRED OF HEARING YOUR VOICE!!! you self-centered bitch, who thinks that you can what ever your mind comes up with.. WAKE UP! this is reality, not a fairytale!!!! and whenever someone talks to you, you always have to make the subject about you! and if it changes you put up an angry face, and quickly changes the subject back to you!
and if people tell you "come on, you can't do that, you can't do everything you want" her answer is.. "well yes, I can" .. OMG!! YOU ARE SOOO FREAKING ANNOYING!! and you complain ALL THE TIME! there is nothing you can be happy about, even though it's been a good day at work, you have to pull out the bad things and talk about and make everything about your job to something bad. seriously, I can't understand why anyone likes you?
you live at our place, but do you do anything at all? NO NO NO!! you sit on your ass, get free food and don't have to pay anything for living here, and still, all we hear is your complaining about how cruel life is, only to you, and how you negver start anything, you are always the victim, and how you always have to be right, even though you are as stupid as a fucking door! no wait, I door has more braincells than you!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU FREAKING MUCH I JUST WANT YOU TO GO AWAY AND LIVE YOUR LIFE SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!
why do you have to be my brothers fiancé?
and if people tell you "come on, you can't do that, you can't do everything you want" her answer is.. "well yes, I can" .. OMG!! YOU ARE SOOO FREAKING ANNOYING!! and you complain ALL THE TIME! there is nothing you can be happy about, even though it's been a good day at work, you have to pull out the bad things and talk about and make everything about your job to something bad. seriously, I can't understand why anyone likes you?
you live at our place, but do you do anything at all? NO NO NO!! you sit on your ass, get free food and don't have to pay anything for living here, and still, all we hear is your complaining about how cruel life is, only to you, and how you negver start anything, you are always the victim, and how you always have to be right, even though you are as stupid as a fucking door! no wait, I door has more braincells than you!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU FREAKING MUCH I JUST WANT YOU TO GO AWAY AND LIVE YOUR LIFE SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!
why do you have to be my brothers fiancé?
onsdag den 17. marts 2010
pretty much normal :3
well yeah, here I'm sitting waiting for the clock to hit half past four, so I can get the train towards Copenhagen to go to my Japanese classes in Albertslund ^&^ I will be home like 23.50 pm this evening, BUT it doesn't matter, 'cause I love it ^&^ AND tomorrow class starts at like 10.00 am first, sooo that's awesome ^&^
anyways, I'm just sitting here being bored, having no idea what to do, and time passes by sooo freaking slow x.x heeeeeeeelpppp!
Trine told me to write about her this time, so I will give a little space to do so xD ^&^
Trine is such a lovely little, cute teddybear you just wanna hug all the time, seriously, you have to believe me here! and she is sooo pretty and sweet <3 first time I saw her, I just wanted to take her home with me, and tie her to my bed, so she couldn't run away from me xD fortunately, that thing only stayed in my thoughts xD
but yeah, anyways, I'm really looking forward to maybe going to Costrip with her, AND to go to the LM.C concert with her! <3<3<3 I can't wait at all!! only 20 days left now!!! kyyyyyyaaaaaaaa!!~ *psycho dance*
yesterday, there was this sweet little girl, who was all sad face, because we weren't going with the same bus, it was really strange, but soooo cute :3
anyways, I don't know what more to write, so I'll stop here, and write again, when there is actually something excinting to write, 'cause this is getting kinda boring xD haha xD
Never forget to show your smiles!!
Rain is over and out~
anyways, I'm just sitting here being bored, having no idea what to do, and time passes by sooo freaking slow x.x heeeeeeeelpppp!
Trine told me to write about her this time, so I will give a little space to do so xD ^&^
Trine is such a lovely little, cute teddybear you just wanna hug all the time, seriously, you have to believe me here! and she is sooo pretty and sweet <3 first time I saw her, I just wanted to take her home with me, and tie her to my bed, so she couldn't run away from me xD fortunately, that thing only stayed in my thoughts xD
but yeah, anyways, I'm really looking forward to maybe going to Costrip with her, AND to go to the LM.C concert with her! <3<3<3 I can't wait at all!! only 20 days left now!!! kyyyyyyaaaaaaaa!!~ *psycho dance*
yesterday, there was this sweet little girl, who was all sad face, because we weren't going with the same bus, it was really strange, but soooo cute :3
anyways, I don't know what more to write, so I'll stop here, and write again, when there is actually something excinting to write, 'cause this is getting kinda boring xD haha xD
Never forget to show your smiles!!
Rain is over and out~
onsdag den 3. marts 2010
goooood! :3
first of all.. THE SNOW IS DISAPPEARING!! YAAII!! *happy dance* I've been waiting for this moment in over a month now xD maybe spring can start now? pretty please :3 xD
anyways, another thing that made this day really good, is the fact that I went to Albertslund today, to talk about me going to that school to study Japanese after I finish "College" AND I talked to him a little, and he asked " do you know any Japanese, have you gone to classes before, or are you a complete beginner?" I was like "well, I've done some self studying, so I know a bit" and then his eyes totally lit up and said, well the Japanese teacher is here at the moment, you wanna talk to him? I didn't even get the chance to answer before the Japanese teacher was standing in the room xD and when he heard that I had studied on my own a bit, he just said, why don't you try coming to my classes? you can come today if you like? .. I was like WOW xD I couldn't come today, but I will attend on wednesday!!! ^&^ it's sooo fucking awesome! I have started on my next school, without finishing the one I'm already attending! it's freaking awesome!! oh yeah xD
also, LM.Cs new album came out today!!!!!! I really really really love it! <3<3<3 can't wait to see them live again! <3
also also, Okashiicon is like this weekend!!! YAAIII!! <3 I'm sooo looking forward to it! I really miss retarded lovely people! <3<3 so basiclly, today was really good! :3
See you again sometime!
don't forget to smile! ^&^
Rain is out~
anyways, another thing that made this day really good, is the fact that I went to Albertslund today, to talk about me going to that school to study Japanese after I finish "College" AND I talked to him a little, and he asked " do you know any Japanese, have you gone to classes before, or are you a complete beginner?" I was like "well, I've done some self studying, so I know a bit" and then his eyes totally lit up and said, well the Japanese teacher is here at the moment, you wanna talk to him? I didn't even get the chance to answer before the Japanese teacher was standing in the room xD and when he heard that I had studied on my own a bit, he just said, why don't you try coming to my classes? you can come today if you like? .. I was like WOW xD I couldn't come today, but I will attend on wednesday!!! ^&^ it's sooo fucking awesome! I have started on my next school, without finishing the one I'm already attending! it's freaking awesome!! oh yeah xD
also, LM.Cs new album came out today!!!!!! I really really really love it! <3<3<3 can't wait to see them live again! <3
also also, Okashiicon is like this weekend!!! YAAIII!! <3 I'm sooo looking forward to it! I really miss retarded lovely people! <3<3 so basiclly, today was really good! :3
See you again sometime!
don't forget to smile! ^&^
Rain is out~
tirsdag den 23. februar 2010
Fantasy Festival! :3
This thing has been going around for a while now, and I decieded that I would try doing a list also, 'cause... it's fun! xD and I have no life xD
Take eight bands that should play at your show and determine their set lists:
- The first one plays 5 songs.
- The second one plays 5 songs.
- The third one plays 5 songs.
- The fourth one plays 7 songs.
- The fifth one plays 7 songs.
- The sixth one plays 10 songs.
- The seventh one plays 10 songs.
- The eighth one plays 14 songs, with a 2 song encore
- ムック
1. Yasashii uta
2. Zetsubou
3. Ageha
4. Rojiura boku to kimi e
5. Daikirai 2006
- Kaya
1. Kagami oni
2. Carmilla
3. Pourriture noble
4. kaleidoscope -Glitter mix-
5. Rose Kingdom
- 香奈
1. Hebi Ichigo
2. Kuuchuu Buranko
3. Hone
4. Anzen pin
5. Trump Game
- LM.C
1. JOKER -my name is-
4. Yellow Beauty
6. Sentimental PigGy Romance
7. Love me?
- Vidoll
1. Berry Jam Cleaner
2. Buko, Shimobe
3. Gothikaroid
4. Orihime
5. Heiwa no uta ~youkoso ningyoukan e!~
- MASK (I know they are disbanded, but you know xD )
2. 1990 nen 5 gatsu
4. Dear Fool's
5. Rose*Mary
6. Live is my Life
7. Sekirara neurosis
8. C
9. Mirai e no tsubasa
10. Sora
- アリス九號.
2. Velvet
3. Gokusai Gokushiki Gokudouka
6. H.A.N.A.B.I.
7. Q.
8. Blue planet
10. Shunkashuutou
- ガゼット
1. Wakaremichi
2. Ganges ni akai bara
3. Toguro
4. Namaatatakai ame tozaratsuita jounetsu
6. Anata no tame kono inochi
7. Shiikureta Haru, Kawarenu Haru
8. Burial Applicant
12. Taion
14. LINDA ~Candydive Pinky Heaven~
2. Miseinen
weeeell, I'm not really sure that people would come, 'cause it's very different genres somewhere o.o BUT I would definately be there and go crazy all way through xD <3
ALWAYS SMILE! please remembedr that! ^&^
Rain is out~
Take eight bands that should play at your show and determine their set lists:
- The first one plays 5 songs.
- The second one plays 5 songs.
- The third one plays 5 songs.
- The fourth one plays 7 songs.
- The fifth one plays 7 songs.
- The sixth one plays 10 songs.
- The seventh one plays 10 songs.
- The eighth one plays 14 songs, with a 2 song encore
- ムック
1. Yasashii uta
2. Zetsubou
3. Ageha
4. Rojiura boku to kimi e
5. Daikirai 2006
- Kaya
1. Kagami oni
2. Carmilla
3. Pourriture noble
4. kaleidoscope -Glitter mix-
5. Rose Kingdom
- 香奈
1. Hebi Ichigo
2. Kuuchuu Buranko
3. Hone
4. Anzen pin
5. Trump Game
- LM.C
1. JOKER -my name is-
4. Yellow Beauty
6. Sentimental PigGy Romance
7. Love me?
- Vidoll
1. Berry Jam Cleaner
2. Buko, Shimobe
3. Gothikaroid
4. Orihime
5. Heiwa no uta ~youkoso ningyoukan e!~
- MASK (I know they are disbanded, but you know xD )
2. 1990 nen 5 gatsu
4. Dear Fool's
5. Rose*Mary
6. Live is my Life
7. Sekirara neurosis
8. C
9. Mirai e no tsubasa
10. Sora
- アリス九號.
2. Velvet
3. Gokusai Gokushiki Gokudouka
6. H.A.N.A.B.I.
7. Q.
8. Blue planet
10. Shunkashuutou
- ガゼット
1. Wakaremichi
2. Ganges ni akai bara
3. Toguro
4. Namaatatakai ame tozaratsuita jounetsu
6. Anata no tame kono inochi
7. Shiikureta Haru, Kawarenu Haru
8. Burial Applicant
12. Taion
14. LINDA ~Candydive Pinky Heaven~
2. Miseinen
weeeell, I'm not really sure that people would come, 'cause it's very different genres somewhere o.o BUT I would definately be there and go crazy all way through xD <3
ALWAYS SMILE! please remembedr that! ^&^
Rain is out~
mandag den 8. februar 2010
yeah yeah yeah, I'm here again dudes! xD
sooo this saturday, the Star wars marathon ended in tv ;______; I was very very sad. BUT, then I was like, WTH why don't I just buy all the movies!? sooo I did <3 :3 - yes I love star wars very very much!! I think they are amazing movies <3 and come on, you can't deny the fact that Hayden Christensen is hot!! yum! *licks her lips*
can't wait for the dvds to arrive :3
even though I've like gone crazy with buying stuff at the moment, I still got a lot of money o.o seriously, I don't know where they come from, I mean, I don't even work that much o.o
anyways, it's my mum's birthday on wednesday, and instead of giving her the usual boring gifts, I decided to take her to a mum-daughter day in Roskilde (I bigger town about 50 km from where I live)
I decided to do this, because I will be moving away from home this summer vacation, so I want to spent a lot of time with my mum :3
first of we are going to shop in this shoppingcenter they have, I will be paying for everything. Then dinner, me paying again xD and last but not least, we will go to the cinema and watch Valentines day
I think it's me and my mum's humor, when put together xD soo I'm really looking forward to it being just me and her <3 ^&^
besides that, nothing much is happening xD OH, one thing though, WINTER BREAK STARTS FRIDAYYYYY!!!!!!! xD I really really really need some time of school and work, and do completely nothing, other than being lazy, and maybe crash with some friends xD
Rain is out, of your face once again xD ~
sooo this saturday, the Star wars marathon ended in tv ;______; I was very very sad. BUT, then I was like, WTH why don't I just buy all the movies!? sooo I did <3 :3 - yes I love star wars very very much!! I think they are amazing movies <3 and come on, you can't deny the fact that Hayden Christensen is hot!! yum! *licks her lips*
can't wait for the dvds to arrive :3
even though I've like gone crazy with buying stuff at the moment, I still got a lot of money o.o seriously, I don't know where they come from, I mean, I don't even work that much o.o
anyways, it's my mum's birthday on wednesday, and instead of giving her the usual boring gifts, I decided to take her to a mum-daughter day in Roskilde (I bigger town about 50 km from where I live)
I decided to do this, because I will be moving away from home this summer vacation, so I want to spent a lot of time with my mum :3
first of we are going to shop in this shoppingcenter they have, I will be paying for everything. Then dinner, me paying again xD and last but not least, we will go to the cinema and watch Valentines day

I think it's me and my mum's humor, when put together xD soo I'm really looking forward to it being just me and her <3 ^&^
besides that, nothing much is happening xD OH, one thing though, WINTER BREAK STARTS FRIDAYYYYY!!!!!!! xD I really really really need some time of school and work, and do completely nothing, other than being lazy, and maybe crash with some friends xD
Rain is out, of your face once again xD ~
fredag den 5. februar 2010
The GazettE (L)
If you think this will be another fangirl shit thing, THEN YOU ARE COMPLETELY RIGHT!!
- yes very anticlimatic I know xD but that's how it is xD
and at the moment I feel very left out xD it's like, no one talks to me right now >.> thanks dudes, you are all so fucking great >.>
but anyways, back to gazetto xD
At the moment I miss gazetto very very much, I don't really understand it myself o.o seriously it's totally crazy xD If I don't have them nearby, you know like music wise or youtube or something, I feel lost o.o I'm being totally obsessive without even wanting to o.o what the hell xD
I dreamt about them last night, and it was a goooooood dream xD (L) NO, I wasn't banging them, or kissing them roughly or stuff like that xD it was just simply them playing a concert, and we were like only 3 people there, me and 2 others I have no idea who is xD anyways, they said, they only kept playing because of me! and then I died xD not litteraly, but you know mentally xD that was just too perfect for me >.<
I really really REALLY want them to come back to europe very very soon >.< but Aoi is like getting in the way xD haha xD no, but seriously, just because there no food, ok the stupid staff fucked up, but what about your lovely fans? xD please come back!!
I actually considered writing to them, for the second time in my life, and then write, if you don't come, all your european fans will commit suicide at the same time xD ..... ok maybe not xD you all know what I mean xD
it's three years since they were here.. come on Gazetto, pull yourself together man xD
I love them anyways, and need them like a drug xD (you know, like that one song? xD )
anyways, I have finally ordered Nameless liberty six guns! yaaii xD and also dim scene, and they were like shipped yesterday, so I'm very happy xD when I get them in my hands, I will die (mentally xD ) again, because those two lives are just, super überly awesomeness!! (L) .. ok all their lives are, but what the hell xD
keep on rocking my lovely gazeboys! (L)
don't forget to smile people!!! ^&^
Rain is over and out!~
- yes very anticlimatic I know xD but that's how it is xD
and at the moment I feel very left out xD it's like, no one talks to me right now >.> thanks dudes, you are all so fucking great >.>
but anyways, back to gazetto xD
At the moment I miss gazetto very very much, I don't really understand it myself o.o seriously it's totally crazy xD If I don't have them nearby, you know like music wise or youtube or something, I feel lost o.o I'm being totally obsessive without even wanting to o.o what the hell xD
I dreamt about them last night, and it was a goooooood dream xD (L) NO, I wasn't banging them, or kissing them roughly or stuff like that xD it was just simply them playing a concert, and we were like only 3 people there, me and 2 others I have no idea who is xD anyways, they said, they only kept playing because of me! and then I died xD not litteraly, but you know mentally xD that was just too perfect for me >.<
I really really REALLY want them to come back to europe very very soon >.< but Aoi is like getting in the way xD haha xD no, but seriously, just because there no food, ok the stupid staff fucked up, but what about your lovely fans? xD please come back!!
I actually considered writing to them, for the second time in my life, and then write, if you don't come, all your european fans will commit suicide at the same time xD ..... ok maybe not xD you all know what I mean xD
it's three years since they were here.. come on Gazetto, pull yourself together man xD
I love them anyways, and need them like a drug xD (you know, like that one song? xD )
anyways, I have finally ordered Nameless liberty six guns! yaaii xD and also dim scene, and they were like shipped yesterday, so I'm very happy xD when I get them in my hands, I will die (mentally xD ) again, because those two lives are just, super überly awesomeness!! (L) .. ok all their lives are, but what the hell xD
keep on rocking my lovely gazeboys! (L)
don't forget to smile people!!! ^&^
Rain is over and out!~
tirsdag den 2. februar 2010
snoooooooowww o.o
Hello again everyone! ^&^
today was a very strange day, 'cause my biology teacher is on vacation in italy, so I didn't have to go to those classes which means, I could meet at 10 o'clock! luxury! ^&^ the I had english class, 2 lessons, and we had to read like a text as the only thing o.o so I was like done after 20 minutes o.o but luckily I had decided to bring my computer with me to school today, so I just watched Gazetto pvs the rest of the time (L)
I live like a 50 minute bus drive from my school, and today the weathercast said that there would be a snow storm later, and so I decided to go home after english classes, 'cause I didn't want to be stuck there, not able to go home x.x
BUT! as Ii stood there waiting for the bus, a girl from my class came over to me, and showed me a text massage she had just received from another classmate, the text said that our principal had just said over the speakers, that the school would close after the next two lessons, so people could get home, before the storm really started, and I jumped up and down, 'cause then I didn't get any of my absences writting down! (L)
and when I got back to my town, I phoned my dad and asked him to drive me home, and he said he would! awesomeness! (L)
so far, a very lovely day ^&^
I just hope that tonight it will stop snowing, so I can go to this event there is at the school I'm most likely to attend, when I graduate, from "college" ^&^ so cross your fingers for me! ^^
ALSO, I am currently in contact with a course leader, for learning japanese in Japan! and it's like sooo very close now! I think that this dream will actually come true! o.o my heart in pouding insanely just thinking about it. I really hope this is going to work!!!!
but that's all for now ^^
always remember to smile! ^&^
Rain is out~
today was a very strange day, 'cause my biology teacher is on vacation in italy, so I didn't have to go to those classes which means, I could meet at 10 o'clock! luxury! ^&^ the I had english class, 2 lessons, and we had to read like a text as the only thing o.o so I was like done after 20 minutes o.o but luckily I had decided to bring my computer with me to school today, so I just watched Gazetto pvs the rest of the time (L)
I live like a 50 minute bus drive from my school, and today the weathercast said that there would be a snow storm later, and so I decided to go home after english classes, 'cause I didn't want to be stuck there, not able to go home x.x
BUT! as Ii stood there waiting for the bus, a girl from my class came over to me, and showed me a text massage she had just received from another classmate, the text said that our principal had just said over the speakers, that the school would close after the next two lessons, so people could get home, before the storm really started, and I jumped up and down, 'cause then I didn't get any of my absences writting down! (L)
and when I got back to my town, I phoned my dad and asked him to drive me home, and he said he would! awesomeness! (L)
so far, a very lovely day ^&^
I just hope that tonight it will stop snowing, so I can go to this event there is at the school I'm most likely to attend, when I graduate, from "college" ^&^ so cross your fingers for me! ^^
ALSO, I am currently in contact with a course leader, for learning japanese in Japan! and it's like sooo very close now! I think that this dream will actually come true! o.o my heart in pouding insanely just thinking about it. I really hope this is going to work!!!!
but that's all for now ^^
always remember to smile! ^&^
Rain is out~
lørdag den 30. januar 2010
now it happened..
maybe I should say it finally happened, I had seen this one coming for quite some time ^^; well what happened was that yesterday, I broke up with my boyfriend. And he told me that he felt more like we were friends, than as a couple, you know the typical one, it's been used soo many times, I'm not even sure it works anymore..
at least the one I told my ex.. or ex ex-boyfriend, was maybe a little more harsh, but not as used xD I told him, everytime we kiss, I imagine it being someone else who kisses me.. and dude, he didn't take that well xD
anyways, my ex said that he wanted to stay in contact with me, but I was like, you barely contacted me when we were together, why the hell would you do it now!? o.o maybe he said it just to be nice? who knows..
I spent an hour yesterday, after he told me, crying my heart out, crying myself to sleep, but now, when I woke up, I felt strange, and is actually looking forward to go to work now xD omg xD
oh and btw, we were together like 2 months and 3 weeks, and damn, he was hot!!! I had actually scored a hot guy! me! the most ugly kid in school, I had scored a hot guy!! holy shit dude xD maybe god is just toying with me? xD
right now, I feel actually quite good, don't ask me why, but I do. maybe I should start dating only girls, at leas´t they understands me... ok no, there is too much drama queen in girls xD
don't forget to smile people! ^^
Rain is out~
at least the one I told my ex.. or ex ex-boyfriend, was maybe a little more harsh, but not as used xD I told him, everytime we kiss, I imagine it being someone else who kisses me.. and dude, he didn't take that well xD
anyways, my ex said that he wanted to stay in contact with me, but I was like, you barely contacted me when we were together, why the hell would you do it now!? o.o maybe he said it just to be nice? who knows..
I spent an hour yesterday, after he told me, crying my heart out, crying myself to sleep, but now, when I woke up, I felt strange, and is actually looking forward to go to work now xD omg xD
oh and btw, we were together like 2 months and 3 weeks, and damn, he was hot!!! I had actually scored a hot guy! me! the most ugly kid in school, I had scored a hot guy!! holy shit dude xD maybe god is just toying with me? xD
right now, I feel actually quite good, don't ask me why, but I do. maybe I should start dating only girls, at leas´t they understands me... ok no, there is too much drama queen in girls xD
don't forget to smile people! ^^
Rain is out~
fredag den 29. januar 2010
Do not blame god! blame Hitler!!! xD
omg! today was rather random xD which made me very happy, because I'm like not just sad all the time, but soo far down that I can't even cry to get it out >.> so the randomness of today was very good for me xD
we were like sitting in class, and Simone, who sits next to me, is eating yoghurt, and suddenly just spills the biggeste damn drop onto her history notes xD and instead of drying it off quickly, she just points at it, and laughs like crazy xD I was like "... the hell dude!?" xD after about five minutes, she finally pulls herself together and dried it off xD thank god, it was getting kind of disgusting xD
later on, still having the same subject, we actually start doing the thing we were suppose to, that didn't last for long though xD we have to make this synopsis in religion and history class, about Nazism.
We have like done that question part, and now have to answer them shortly, and we start to discuss what we should put in as a starter of a discussion with the class.
We talk about some things and decides that it should be why the german people just follwed Hitlers orders, not standing up agaisnt them. And then we of course, get to talk about the jews and stuff, and Simone for the first time ever, actually realizes that Hitler was half a jew xD we then discuss who of his parents was the jew, and gets to the point that it was his mother.
Simone then comes to the stunning realisation, that Hitler killed all of those people, because his mum was a skank xD and well Hitlers ideology do contain that all people are equal, he had to kill all the jews, and not just his mum xD
this we had a lot of fun with, and then said that his father was a buddhist, but Hitler died before he could kill them, and that his uncle was a muslim and so on xD sooo we pretty much blamed him for everything that had happened xD so we made a new religion; you can do whatever you want, just remember to blame Hitler xD
thank you guys for making me laugh (L)
always remember to smile! ^&^
Rain is out~
we were like sitting in class, and Simone, who sits next to me, is eating yoghurt, and suddenly just spills the biggeste damn drop onto her history notes xD and instead of drying it off quickly, she just points at it, and laughs like crazy xD I was like "... the hell dude!?" xD after about five minutes, she finally pulls herself together and dried it off xD thank god, it was getting kind of disgusting xD
later on, still having the same subject, we actually start doing the thing we were suppose to, that didn't last for long though xD we have to make this synopsis in religion and history class, about Nazism.
We have like done that question part, and now have to answer them shortly, and we start to discuss what we should put in as a starter of a discussion with the class.
We talk about some things and decides that it should be why the german people just follwed Hitlers orders, not standing up agaisnt them. And then we of course, get to talk about the jews and stuff, and Simone for the first time ever, actually realizes that Hitler was half a jew xD we then discuss who of his parents was the jew, and gets to the point that it was his mother.
Simone then comes to the stunning realisation, that Hitler killed all of those people, because his mum was a skank xD and well Hitlers ideology do contain that all people are equal, he had to kill all the jews, and not just his mum xD
this we had a lot of fun with, and then said that his father was a buddhist, but Hitler died before he could kill them, and that his uncle was a muslim and so on xD sooo we pretty much blamed him for everything that had happened xD so we made a new religion; you can do whatever you want, just remember to blame Hitler xD
thank you guys for making me laugh (L)
always remember to smile! ^&^
Rain is out~
lørdag den 23. januar 2010
already weekend again o.o
wow, I think times flies away at the moment o.o and I really can't stand it, 'cause it's like I do nothing, nothing at all, I'm just wasting time....
I keep telling people that I have a winter depression, and I'm actually starting to believe so myself.. I'm sad and angry ALL the time. When I told one of my friends, she said "don't give up, hold on, you can do it!" at first, I thought of it as a sincere thought, that she really care for me, but as time passed that day, which was yesterday, I started to think of it more like it was just taraf. (it's persian and when things you say is taraf, it's like you say them to be nice, but you don't really mean them)
I know it may sound stupid, but when you can turn everything that's actually good, to be somehing bad, you will get these thoughts in your head.
I also miss a lot of people all the time.. but it's like they don't miss me back, it's like I'm not that big a thing for them, I don't really mean that much to them.. I'ved tried this soo many times before, so I know the signs very well..
when I wake up alone, almost each morning, I feel like crying.. when I wake up with someone, I feel like they are only there out of pity for me, even though I know there is no reason for them to feel pity towards me, but I just can't help it.. maybe it's the old depression talking now?
anyways, there is some good things happening also, on monday, I'm gonna start boxing!! oh yeah! xD
maybe I can punch this sadness and anger out of me, that would be very nice ^^
I will try anbd set sails for a brighter future for me now! xD (that sounds extremely cheesy and stupid xD ) but anyways, I*m sure things will change, 'cause they always change ^^
don't forget to smile people! ^^
Rain is out~
I keep telling people that I have a winter depression, and I'm actually starting to believe so myself.. I'm sad and angry ALL the time. When I told one of my friends, she said "don't give up, hold on, you can do it!" at first, I thought of it as a sincere thought, that she really care for me, but as time passed that day, which was yesterday, I started to think of it more like it was just taraf. (it's persian and when things you say is taraf, it's like you say them to be nice, but you don't really mean them)
I know it may sound stupid, but when you can turn everything that's actually good, to be somehing bad, you will get these thoughts in your head.
I also miss a lot of people all the time.. but it's like they don't miss me back, it's like I'm not that big a thing for them, I don't really mean that much to them.. I'ved tried this soo many times before, so I know the signs very well..
when I wake up alone, almost each morning, I feel like crying.. when I wake up with someone, I feel like they are only there out of pity for me, even though I know there is no reason for them to feel pity towards me, but I just can't help it.. maybe it's the old depression talking now?
anyways, there is some good things happening also, on monday, I'm gonna start boxing!! oh yeah! xD
maybe I can punch this sadness and anger out of me, that would be very nice ^^
I will try anbd set sails for a brighter future for me now! xD (that sounds extremely cheesy and stupid xD ) but anyways, I*m sure things will change, 'cause they always change ^^
don't forget to smile people! ^^
Rain is out~
tirsdag den 5. januar 2010
wow, I'm also here xD
well, everyone else has like this thing, so I decided to make one too xD people say you get addicted xD
I got well into the new year ^^ but I have been emo since xD
I have sooo many things I have to do at the start of this year, it's actually a little too overwhelming ^^;
January, 2: go to the cinema and watch 2012 - Done! ~ the movie was ok, I watched too many disaster movies, to think more highly of it xD but it was ok ^^ the special effects were very good ^&^
January, 8: having christmas lunch with my class ^&^ ~ I don't hope I get too wasted xD also.. I don't know what I do afterwards xD seriously, I'll sleep on a bench xD
January, 11: Together with Hime <3>yaii, I really miss her ;____;
January, 15: Going to the cinema again xD going to watch Avatar in 3D! O.O wooow xD ~actually I didn't really want to see it, like I didn't have the want to see it, but when it was in 3D I just couldn't say no xD
January, 20: Aoi-chan's brithday <3~> I don't know if I'll have the energy to make a cake "for" him, but we'll see about that xD
January, 29: I have to choose which subject I want to write in, for the examination project exam (wow it sounds strange xD ) ~ baaahh, I just finished my first writing exam before christmas, now I already have to start another one, not cool! xD
February, 1: Ruki-san's birthday ^&^ <33~>again, I don't think I'll do anything for him, just wish him a lot of good luck and all that ^^
February, 10: My mum's birthday xD ~ oh noes, I have to buy a present for her again xD ok, it's not that bad xD I wonder what she will pick for us to eat that day ^&^
and well yeah, that's it until the 10th of february, there is much more after that date, but I don't really have it all planned out yet xD and my brain is almost exploding over here xD but I'll hang in there, and try to get addicted to this site, even if people don't read my blog xD it's always got to get things out on paper xD
now I will go and have my last two chemistry classes xD
Rain is out!~
I got well into the new year ^^ but I have been emo since xD
I have sooo many things I have to do at the start of this year, it's actually a little too overwhelming ^^;
January, 2: go to the cinema and watch 2012 - Done! ~ the movie was ok, I watched too many disaster movies, to think more highly of it xD but it was ok ^^ the special effects were very good ^&^
January, 8: having christmas lunch with my class ^&^ ~ I don't hope I get too wasted xD also.. I don't know what I do afterwards xD seriously, I'll sleep on a bench xD
January, 11: Together with Hime <3>yaii, I really miss her ;____;
January, 15: Going to the cinema again xD going to watch Avatar in 3D! O.O wooow xD ~actually I didn't really want to see it, like I didn't have the want to see it, but when it was in 3D I just couldn't say no xD
January, 20: Aoi-chan's brithday <3~> I don't know if I'll have the energy to make a cake "for" him, but we'll see about that xD
January, 29: I have to choose which subject I want to write in, for the examination project exam (wow it sounds strange xD ) ~ baaahh, I just finished my first writing exam before christmas, now I already have to start another one, not cool! xD
February, 1: Ruki-san's birthday ^&^ <33~>again, I don't think I'll do anything for him, just wish him a lot of good luck and all that ^^
February, 10: My mum's birthday xD ~ oh noes, I have to buy a present for her again xD ok, it's not that bad xD I wonder what she will pick for us to eat that day ^&^
and well yeah, that's it until the 10th of february, there is much more after that date, but I don't really have it all planned out yet xD and my brain is almost exploding over here xD but I'll hang in there, and try to get addicted to this site, even if people don't read my blog xD it's always got to get things out on paper xD
now I will go and have my last two chemistry classes xD
Rain is out!~
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