Love in the horror way <3

lørdag den 30. januar 2010

now it happened..

maybe I should say it finally happened, I had seen this one coming for quite some time ^^; well what happened was that yesterday, I broke up with my boyfriend. And he told me that he felt more like we were friends, than as a couple, you know the typical one, it's been used soo many times, I'm not even sure it works anymore..
at least the one I told my ex.. or ex ex-boyfriend, was maybe a little more harsh, but not as used xD I told him, everytime we kiss, I imagine it being someone else who kisses me.. and dude, he didn't take that well xD
anyways, my ex said that he wanted to stay in contact with me, but I was like, you barely contacted me when we were together, why the hell would you do it now!? o.o maybe he said it just to be nice? who knows..
I spent an hour yesterday, after he told me, crying my heart out, crying myself to sleep, but now, when I woke up, I felt strange, and is actually looking forward to go to work now xD omg xD
oh and btw, we were together like 2 months and 3 weeks, and damn, he was hot!!! I had actually scored a hot guy! me! the most ugly kid in school, I had scored a hot guy!! holy shit dude xD maybe god is just toying with me? xD

right now, I feel actually quite good, don't ask me why, but I do. maybe I should start dating only girls, at leas´t they understands me... ok no, there is too much drama queen in girls xD

don't forget to smile people! ^^
Rain is out~

fredag den 29. januar 2010

Do not blame god! blame Hitler!!! xD

omg! today was rather random xD which made me very happy, because I'm like not just sad all the time, but soo far down that I can't even cry to get it out >.> so the randomness of today was very good for me xD

we were like sitting in class, and Simone, who sits next to me, is eating yoghurt, and suddenly just spills the biggeste damn drop onto her history notes xD and instead of drying it off quickly, she just points at it, and laughs like crazy xD I was like "... the hell dude!?" xD after about five minutes, she finally pulls herself together and dried it off xD thank god, it was getting kind of disgusting xD

later on, still having the same subject, we actually start doing the thing we were suppose to, that didn't last for long though xD we have to make this synopsis in religion and history class, about Nazism.
We have like done that question part, and now have to answer them shortly, and we start to discuss what we should put in as a starter of a discussion with the class.
We talk about some things and decides that it should be why the german people just follwed Hitlers orders, not standing up agaisnt them. And then we of course, get to talk about the jews and stuff, and Simone for the first time ever, actually realizes that Hitler was half a jew xD we then discuss who of his parents was the jew, and gets to the point that it was his mother.
Simone then comes to the stunning realisation, that Hitler killed all of those people, because his mum was a skank xD and well Hitlers ideology do contain that all people are equal, he had to kill all the jews, and not just his mum xD
this we had a lot of fun with, and then said that his father was a buddhist, but Hitler died before he could kill them, and that his uncle was a muslim and so on xD sooo we pretty much blamed him for everything that had happened xD so we made a new religion; you can do whatever you want, just remember to blame Hitler xD

thank you guys for making me laugh (L)

always remember to smile! ^&^
Rain is out~

lørdag den 23. januar 2010

already weekend again o.o

wow, I think times flies away at the moment o.o and I really can't stand it, 'cause it's like I do nothing, nothing at all, I'm just wasting time....

I keep telling people that I have a winter depression, and I'm actually starting to believe so myself.. I'm sad and angry ALL the time. When I told one of my friends, she said "don't give up, hold on, you can do it!" at first, I thought of it as a sincere thought, that she really care for me, but as time passed that day, which was yesterday, I started to think of it more like it was just taraf. (it's persian and when things you say is taraf, it's like you say them to be nice, but you don't really mean them)
I know it may sound stupid, but when you can turn everything that's actually good, to be somehing bad, you will get these thoughts in your head.

I also miss a lot of people all the time.. but it's like they don't miss me back, it's like I'm not that big a thing for them, I don't really mean that much to them.. I'ved tried this soo many times before, so I know the signs very well..
when I wake up alone, almost each morning, I feel like crying.. when I wake up with someone, I feel like they are only there out of pity for me, even though I know there is no reason for them to feel pity towards me, but I just can't help it.. maybe it's the old depression talking now?

anyways, there is some good things happening also, on monday, I'm gonna start boxing!! oh yeah! xD
maybe I can punch this sadness and anger out of me, that would be very nice ^^

I will try anbd set sails for a brighter future for me now! xD (that sounds extremely cheesy and stupid xD ) but anyways, I*m sure things will change, 'cause they always change ^^
don't forget to smile people! ^^
Rain is out~

tirsdag den 5. januar 2010

wow, I'm also here xD

well, everyone else has like this thing, so I decided to make one too xD people say you get addicted xD
I got well into the new year ^^ but I have been emo since xD
I have sooo many things I have to do at the start of this year, it's actually a little too overwhelming ^^;

January, 2: go to the cinema and watch 2012 - Done! ~ the movie was ok, I watched too many disaster movies, to think more highly of it xD but it was ok ^^ the special effects were very good ^&^

January, 8: having christmas lunch with my class ^&^ ~ I don't hope I get too wasted xD also.. I don't know what I do afterwards xD seriously, I'll sleep on a bench xD

January, 11: Together with Hime <3>yaii, I really miss her ;____;

January, 15: Going to the cinema again xD going to watch Avatar in 3D! O.O wooow xD ~actually I didn't really want to see it, like I didn't have the want to see it, but when it was in 3D I just couldn't say no xD

January, 20: Aoi-chan's brithday <3~> I don't know if I'll have the energy to make a cake "for" him, but we'll see about that xD

January, 29: I have to choose which subject I want to write in, for the examination project exam (wow it sounds strange xD ) ~ baaahh, I just finished my first writing exam before christmas, now I already have to start another one, not cool! xD

February, 1: Ruki-san's birthday ^&^ <33~>again, I don't think I'll do anything for him, just wish him a lot of good luck and all that ^^

February, 10: My mum's birthday xD ~ oh noes, I have to buy a present for her again xD ok, it's not that bad xD I wonder what she will pick for us to eat that day ^&^

and well yeah, that's it until the 10th of february, there is much more after that date, but I don't really have it all planned out yet xD and my brain is almost exploding over here xD but I'll hang in there, and try to get addicted to this site, even if people don't read my blog xD it's always got to get things out on paper xD
now I will go and have my last two chemistry classes xD
Rain is out!~