Love in the horror way <3

lørdag den 30. januar 2010

now it happened..

maybe I should say it finally happened, I had seen this one coming for quite some time ^^; well what happened was that yesterday, I broke up with my boyfriend. And he told me that he felt more like we were friends, than as a couple, you know the typical one, it's been used soo many times, I'm not even sure it works anymore..
at least the one I told my ex.. or ex ex-boyfriend, was maybe a little more harsh, but not as used xD I told him, everytime we kiss, I imagine it being someone else who kisses me.. and dude, he didn't take that well xD
anyways, my ex said that he wanted to stay in contact with me, but I was like, you barely contacted me when we were together, why the hell would you do it now!? o.o maybe he said it just to be nice? who knows..
I spent an hour yesterday, after he told me, crying my heart out, crying myself to sleep, but now, when I woke up, I felt strange, and is actually looking forward to go to work now xD omg xD
oh and btw, we were together like 2 months and 3 weeks, and damn, he was hot!!! I had actually scored a hot guy! me! the most ugly kid in school, I had scored a hot guy!! holy shit dude xD maybe god is just toying with me? xD

right now, I feel actually quite good, don't ask me why, but I do. maybe I should start dating only girls, at leas´t they understands me... ok no, there is too much drama queen in girls xD

don't forget to smile people! ^^
Rain is out~

1 kommentar:

  1. Awww sorry to hear, I'm glad you're okay D:
    After my break-up, I couldn't be as relaxed as you :C..
