ok, so yesterday.. was my last day of "college" or whatever it's called XDD it was suppose to be fun, and we were suppose to be retarded, but my class, well let's just say I was the only one who had dressed up in funny clothes >.> and they were all sooo uptight and was like, I don't wanna run around and make a fool of myself.. OH SHUT UP FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!! why do you have to be sooo fucking grown up? you guys just turned either 18 or 19... if you already wanna act like adults then I'm glad I'm never going to speak to you guys again!! how boring can it get x.x seriously, I NEVER wanna be like that, if I end up like that, I will kill myself, and I mean it x.x
anyways after that we went down to this park where all the graduation classes were, and then we just drank the big bucket of liqour we had bought in Netto, which was rather fun xDD BUT the sun was in my face, and well I had no sun protection thingy on, soo my face is now all red and burning, greaaaaatttt xDD and because I also got sun on my arms, they are itching like hell, god damnit!! xDDD
when it was a little past 5pm we came to the resturant where we were suppose to eat before going to the party at the school, and the was fuuuuun xDD and the food was delicious as always <3
then at 7pm the party started at the school, BUT as always you are never there from the beginning, we were at someone from my classes place, and we sat drinking, and the suddenly, Sissi, Tanja, Sine and me realized that everyone had moved table and we were sitting all alone, why thank you xDD but we just started playing a drinking game then, and daaaamnn it was hella hilarious XDD at 9pm us four decided to go to the party at the school, so we did xDD and we danced for like a looooong time and just had fun, until it got boring and we went down into town to see if there was more going on there... but there wasn't xDD soo we went home, after getting something to eat.
on the way home, this song came on the radio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-01GCGhFGVU .. and Sine suddenly decided to put all other bodyparts into the chorus xDD daammnn, we laughed sooo hard xDDDD
today I'm going to celebrate my stepgrandmother's birthday party, by grilling at their place, yaaaiii! ^&^
and tomorrow Trine will come and stay till monday <3<3 sooo looking forward to it! ^&^
Remember to spread joy to those around you!
Rain is over and out~
